For anyone interested, proceed at your own risk, make sure you understand what you are doing.

The following is how to flash over the limited/locked down version of OpenWRT that comes installed on the WE826 LTE Router.

On your computer of choice set your ethernet port statically to the following.

Plug an ethernet cable into that port on your computer, and LAN port 1 on the WE826.

Power on the WE826 and click/hold the reset button for 3 to 5 seconds, this will put the router into failsafe mode and start a recovery http recovery server on LAN port 1 at ip address

Open your browser and browse to

Download ROOTER firmware from here and flash

You now have full access to the hardware you purchased with your rig, you no longer receive the "buy an LTE plan through us" splash page when accessing the device, you are free to use any carrier and plan you choose.