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    • EddieK82
      Has anyone seen this issue before? I'm assuming it's a fan, but has anyone successfully fixed this without pulling the entire fridge out...
    • EddieK82
      EddieK82 replied to the thread 320MKS Slide Stuck In.
      I tested it again and it went in and won't come back out. It's doing the same thing. But this time it really clunked going back in. I...
    • EddieK82
      EddieK82 reacted to SGT ROC's post in the thread 320MKS Slide Stuck In with Like Like.
      Your bumping it probably got the gear to engage the track again. I would do as Steven@147 suggests and drop the coroplast for a look see.
    • EddieK82
      EddieK82 replied to the thread 320MKS Slide Stuck In.
      I actually got it to work. I went inside and bumped the slide with my shoulder, then tried to open it again and it opened. Not sure if...
    • EddieK82
      EddieK82 replied to the thread 320MKS Slide Stuck In.
      I just tried to manually extend the slide, and it the part that you spin counterclockwise just spun and spun, the slide did not move...
    • EddieK82
      EddieK82 replied to the thread 320MKS Slide Stuck In.
      It definitely sound like it is spinning and wants to come out, but almost like the gears are not hitting the mechanism to push it out. I...
    • EddieK82
      EddieK82 reacted to WhittleBurner's post in the thread 320MKS Slide Stuck In with Like Like.
      It sounds like something might have made the slide jump off a little. There is a PDF file on Lippert Compoonents in the Reference...
    • EddieK82
      EddieK82 replied to the thread 320MKS Slide Stuck In.
      Where can I see the error code? There is none on my main panel with all the controls.
    • EddieK82
      We just closed up the RV, then moved to a sewer site, and now one of the large slides will not open. I can hear the motor clicking and...
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