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      TimtheToolMan reacted to FT4NOW's post in the thread DON’T BUY 320MKS(fridge problem) with Like Like.
      Sounds like a fridge problem....I wouldnt say dont buy X model because the fridge has issues, plenty of other models will have the same...
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      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread WFCO Desulfation.
      Yes, you are wise to be sure that the WFCO does not have a desulfation mode as it may damage a lithium battery. The BMS should protect...
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      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread WFCO Desulfation.
      Do you mean "if WFCO 8735p DOES NOT" have desulfation mode? I do not see a hint of it having this (manual, specifications other posts...
    • TI
      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread What is causing this leak?.
      From the photo it appears that the swivel on the hose (top of the photo) or above that point is leaking. If that is the case it can be...
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      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread House Battery.
      Well, you use more batteries than I do since I have mostly just had RVs since 1994. Your typical life for batteries is quite similar to...
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      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread House Battery.
      I very much like your positive attitude!:) Discharging two times (2 cycles) to 60% state of charge (2 x 40%=80% used) produces the same...
    • TI
      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread House Battery.
      There is a small gain in total energy produced over life of battery when discharging to 50% vs. 80% DOD. 50% DOD produces more cycles...
      • 1728224234836.png
    • TI
      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread Roof leak.
      Nice fix and you knocked it out pretty quickly! I like the frame that you added to support the OSB. I did not think about the...
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      TimtheToolMan reacted to rcjokibbe's post in the thread Roof leak with Like Like.
      GD replied and said sorry but out of warranty. Sure, whatever, but hopefully their person installing the sealant and screws get's...
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      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread House Battery.
      The lithium BMS does provide some protections and will help many batteries last longer. Lithium can be damaged if stored too long at a...
    • TI
      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread Lithium upgrade 21g.
      If you want to remove batteries, when in storage to protect from excess heat and cold, two would be lighter since you are lifting half...
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      TimtheToolMan reacted to Second Chance's post in the thread Lithium upgrade 21g with Like Like.
      Brad150 - Suggestion: You can create a signature block with your RV and tow vehicle information (see mine below). That way you won't...
    • TI
      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread Roof leak.
      I would guess that wires in the area likely are a bit below the wood, due to gravity, but I would be careful as you are about possible...
    • TI
      TimtheToolMan replied to the thread Slide noise.
      Loud noise sounds more like a mechanical issue than lubrication. CRC has Teflon but is not a dry lube if you used it and will attract...
    • TI
      I have a diesel pulling an 8,000 pound TT and provides a wonderful experience. If I used the truck as a daily driver, I would only want...
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