Just fyi. customer service responded to my issue regarding cracked fenders by telling me they would review the problem. I had asked them if this was a known issue. They responded after reviewing that it is not a known issue. I suspected that i was not the only one so did a search here and of course found others with same issue. I understand if they don't want to replace them since i am out of warranty but I am trying to determine if i should replace with factory parts. don't want to spend $170 each and have them do the same thing after 3 years. Have had good experience with them in the past but this just looked like an answer taken directly off of a standard response cheat sheet. Wondering if anyone has had the same issue with replacement fenders. I am leaning toward an aftermarket it they are going to fall apart anyway. My son has a used Montana that is about 10 years old and has one tiny crack just showing up.