Hi. We have a 2020 Reflection 315RLTS trailer that we love. We’ve done all required maintenance on schedule since the purchase. 2 months ago, I went up on the roof and completely inspected and washed the roof with dawn soap/water and used a soft brush, there were absolutely no issues. Since new, this trailer has only been used a few times in the summer for short camping trips then winterized and covered/stored indoors so its never had rain on it. We are building a home and moved into the trailer 3+ months ago FT while the house is constructed so this is the first time its been out in the weather. This morning, I went up to do a visual on the roof since we’ve had some rain and noticed the roof has some long bubbles down each side of the roof probably about 2” in from each side edge. Since the bubbles are not along the actual edge and not all the way to the front edge (direction the rain/wind comes from) I don’t believe its caused by the trim or sealant coming loose/cracking allowing wind/rain in. The odd thing is that 2.5 hours later, I went back up and the bubble along the right side was now flat again, the left side is still wrinkled and the entire back area of roof shows footprints into the roof surface. I’ve read in some owner threads that some small amount of bubbling/wrinkling is normal? I’ve also read that some wrinkling may come and go based on atmospheric conditions? Any truth to these statements?
Since our trailer is over 2 years old with only 1 yr. of roof warranty, should I contact GD on this and any opinions on what might cause this? I’m attaching pics taken around 11:30 am today and again at 2 pm.
Since our trailer is over 2 years old with only 1 yr. of roof warranty, should I contact GD on this and any opinions on what might cause this? I’m attaching pics taken around 11:30 am today and again at 2 pm.
2020 315RLTS roof right side 2 pm.jpg93.4 KB · Views: 78
2020 315RLTS roof right side 11 am.jpg106.2 KB · Views: 74
2020 315RLTS roof left side front am 2.jpg97.2 KB · Views: 64
2020 315RLTS roof back area footprints.jpg96.6 KB · Views: 64
2020 315RLTS roof left side above slide out close up.jpg124.5 KB · Views: 57