2150RB furnace is loud!


Advanced Member
Feb 18, 2021
central Arizona at 5000'
We're had our 2017 2150RB out 3 times and with night temps in the 30s had to run the furnace. In the bedroom the furnace sounds like one of those forced air kerosene space heaters - LOUD. The furnace is under the kitchen countertop on the other side of the interior wall. We took an electric space heater the last trip out but the furnace still kicked on just not as much. Is there anything I can do to quiet it down some? Thanks
Ear plugs? Different space heater? I know some aren't nearly as good as others even at the same rated output.
You might try an electric blanket. We use one when we're on elec hookups. We also run a space heater. If needed we only turn the furnace on in the morning.
Every RV I've had has had a loud furnace. We also run a small 250W heater in the bathroom. Takes the chill out for those middle of the night trips.
Thanks. I'm not really looking for other ways to keep warm. This is the 5th RV with a furnace we've owned and while none have been exactly quiet this one is a lot louder. We don't always have access to electric and running a generator all night to run an electric heater or 2 instead of the furnace seems silly. Just wondering if anyone has been able to muffle it a bit.
without getting in there and seeing exactly how it was installed, it would be difficult to give you any solid advice. However, if you have access to it, see if there is any space between the furnace and the bedroom wall that would allow you to put some insulation to help reduce the noise.
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