On our last outing a rat found it's way into the trailer. It was on our last night and we were going home in the morning. I woke up about 4 am and decided to go down and kick back in the recliner. I was sitting there and I heard a couple of thumping noises that I thought came from outside. Is someone or some critter messing around outside? I sat there, waiting for more noises when the light in the pantry came on! What the hell, ghosts? Then I saw it, on the top shelf, a friggin rat! I watched him climb into the box where we keep the chip bags. What the hell am I going to do, I just sat there with my eyes glued to the pantry. After a couple of minutes he climbed down to the bottom of the pantry, crawled under the pantry door and made a left towards the front of the living area. I jumped up and turned on the lights, but I couldn't find it.
Oh well, maybe it decided to exit our trailer, wishful thinking. A couple of minutes later the pantry light comes back, my friend is still here! I go get the broom, determined to either knock it out or send it to rat heaven. I opened the pantry door, broom in hand.
It sees me and jumps down onto the floor and I proceed to try to smack it with the broom. I hit it a few times, but he got away, ran under the recliner. I'm surprised the commotion didn't wake up my wife up in the bedroom.
I sat down at the dinette with the broom close by, hoping I would get another chance. After a few minutes, I grabbed the flashlight and started looking under all the furniture,but I couldn't find it.
My wife got up and never heard all the commotion, she uses ear plugs. So I told her about the rat and she gets a little freaked out about it. We never saw it again so we were hoping it exited our trailer.
The next morning after getting home, I put a couple of traps in the trailer, but by the next day, no rat in the traps. And I didn't see anymore rat droppings anywhere, so I hope it's gone.
My wife, who is a little bit of a germ-a-phobe, spent about 8 hours cleaning and disinfecting the trailer. This is the first time we've had a rat in any of our trailers and hope it's the last. Good luck, right?
Oh, and the broom did not survive, I broke the handle.
Oh well, maybe it decided to exit our trailer, wishful thinking. A couple of minutes later the pantry light comes back, my friend is still here! I go get the broom, determined to either knock it out or send it to rat heaven. I opened the pantry door, broom in hand.
It sees me and jumps down onto the floor and I proceed to try to smack it with the broom. I hit it a few times, but he got away, ran under the recliner. I'm surprised the commotion didn't wake up my wife up in the bedroom.
I sat down at the dinette with the broom close by, hoping I would get another chance. After a few minutes, I grabbed the flashlight and started looking under all the furniture,but I couldn't find it.
My wife got up and never heard all the commotion, she uses ear plugs. So I told her about the rat and she gets a little freaked out about it. We never saw it again so we were hoping it exited our trailer.
The next morning after getting home, I put a couple of traps in the trailer, but by the next day, no rat in the traps. And I didn't see anymore rat droppings anywhere, so I hope it's gone.
My wife, who is a little bit of a germ-a-phobe, spent about 8 hours cleaning and disinfecting the trailer. This is the first time we've had a rat in any of our trailers and hope it's the last. Good luck, right?
Oh, and the broom did not survive, I broke the handle.