I have a KX3, and a Kenwood 480HX for portable use. The 480HX is getting remounted to the truck with a QD attached screwdriver antenna. However, if I have internet, I can remote run the house shack. I share my 110ft tower with a couple friends that bought the radios / amps for inside, and I pay for everything permanent. So we have a Steppir DB18-E at 115ft, on a Alfa Spid Big Rak rotator, an A3S Tribander static at 40ft, and an 80/160M fan dipole in an inverted V at 90ft. With a Flex 6600 and SPE 1.3K-FA solid state amp inside, all remotable. As long as I have internet, I can run those with a proven rig. If I don't have internet, I can run 200w off the truck.