Dan, W7TNU here. Got my Novice in Sept 1970, then Tech, then Advanced 5 months later.
Was very active in the Hobby and local Club (Lewiston, ID - Clarkston, WA ARC) for many years. Was active in the ID State Army MARS during the Vietnam War, handled traffic for troops. Served as ID Army MARS Director in the early 1980's. Really got into Teletype, had Model 15, 19, 28, 28ASR, and 33ASR. Wish I wouldve kept that 28ASR, it was great! Way to heavy for the many house moves that followed though...
Ham Radio took a back seat for several years when kids came along, and my growing business took time too.
Kept my License active, and have enjoyed getting more active as I got closer to retirement.
I "cut my teeth" on a Hallicrafters H38-C and a surplus Collins R-390 that was way out of tune. The R-390 worked great once I adjusted the Gear & Dial drives.
I moved to all Heathkit gear for several years, built an SB-301 and SB-401, and I still have my SB-200 Amp.
I've been into Icom ever since. I still own my first Icom IC-02AT, my IC-04AT, IC-32AT, and currently use my IC-51A Plus Handhelds.
I still have my IC-746 and IC 751 HF Rigs. I have an IC-7100 that I have stored in my RV, planning to use it with the Screwdriver and VHF/UHF antennas on my Momentum 328M as soon as I modify the Mobile mounts that I took off my 2013 Avalanche. I use an ID-5100A in my 2020 3500HD High Country tow rig.
I run an IC-7600 at my Idaho Vacation Home, connected to my Ameritron Amp, my 6 element HF Beam, an Off Center Fed HF Dipole, a 2M beam, and a VHF/UHF Vertical all at 6-ft on a tilt-telescoping tower. I run LSB, USB, AM, and FT-8 on HF, and enjoy some FM on VHF & UHF. Hope to catch you "on the air".
Was very active in the Hobby and local Club (Lewiston, ID - Clarkston, WA ARC) for many years. Was active in the ID State Army MARS during the Vietnam War, handled traffic for troops. Served as ID Army MARS Director in the early 1980's. Really got into Teletype, had Model 15, 19, 28, 28ASR, and 33ASR. Wish I wouldve kept that 28ASR, it was great! Way to heavy for the many house moves that followed though...
Ham Radio took a back seat for several years when kids came along, and my growing business took time too.
Kept my License active, and have enjoyed getting more active as I got closer to retirement.
I "cut my teeth" on a Hallicrafters H38-C and a surplus Collins R-390 that was way out of tune. The R-390 worked great once I adjusted the Gear & Dial drives.
I moved to all Heathkit gear for several years, built an SB-301 and SB-401, and I still have my SB-200 Amp.
I've been into Icom ever since. I still own my first Icom IC-02AT, my IC-04AT, IC-32AT, and currently use my IC-51A Plus Handhelds.
I still have my IC-746 and IC 751 HF Rigs. I have an IC-7100 that I have stored in my RV, planning to use it with the Screwdriver and VHF/UHF antennas on my Momentum 328M as soon as I modify the Mobile mounts that I took off my 2013 Avalanche. I use an ID-5100A in my 2020 3500HD High Country tow rig.
I run an IC-7600 at my Idaho Vacation Home, connected to my Ameritron Amp, my 6 element HF Beam, an Off Center Fed HF Dipole, a 2M beam, and a VHF/UHF Vertical all at 6-ft on a tilt-telescoping tower. I run LSB, USB, AM, and FT-8 on HF, and enjoy some FM on VHF & UHF. Hope to catch you "on the air".
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