Latest on the MAV-27 as of Dec 7th, 2023..
Had a 400 watt solar panel added to the original 165 watt panel, along with 2 lithium batteries, and ran the original battery wiring into the front storage and placed the batteries in there. In Aug, we took the MAV into the mountains in an open area to test the batteries with the 12v fridge in off grid mode, and it kept up 100% for two weeks, even when we ran the furnace in the morning.
After 14 days, we moved to a shady spot with minimal sunlight for test
#2 , with the fridge still running in off grid mode, and it handled the much lesser sunlight well for a 14 day period. This was also the time I noticed the bald spots on the tire which I posted on another thread in the forum.
We notified the dealership about the bald spots on the tire, and set up an appointment for the end of September to correct that, along with the non skid coming off of the entry stair steps, the outdoor right side storage hatch that wouldnt close properly, the entry door lock that was difficult to unlock when the sun beat on it, an interior cabinet door that kept coming open when traveling, and the fringe along the side of the garage door to protect the screen which got wrapped up into the screen when we retracted it once.
It took 3 weeks for the dealership to finish the work, and only because I told them I was going to pick it up by the end of week 3. The problem was getting a replacement tire from Lions head tires, so they finally went to a local tire shop and picked up the same size tire, but a different brand, NOT impressed with lions head tire who only has 2 dealerships that are both in IN! But theyll ship to any tire dealership in the country! ��
Got everything loaded up for our trip south, but along the way, we experienced some more issues. Hit strong winds in NM that caused 3 self tapping screws to either fall out, or become detached from the lowest siding on the front left side below the storage hatch. Then we found that the entry stairs wouldnt fold out because a bolt that held a step in place had worked itself halfway out blocking the stairs from unfolding. What we didnt notice was that a screw had all ready worked its way out from another step which was no where to be found.
Today I was pulling out the pins that held the roof ladder in the secure position, and the nub and spring near the tip just popped off. The fridge has always been noisy but tolerable. These items should be easy inexpensive fixes. I used bailing wire for a temp fix on the siding, and I plan on riveting the siding down now that we're in camp. Need to find a screw for the step, and a pin that works for the ladder.
These are cheap items to fix, and not worth the time and gas money to take it in for warranty work, although I have informed the dealership of these issues with pics. I always thought Grand Design to be the benchmark of RVs, but I need to really rethink that concept.