I just found this, its not the freshest but ill add to it. I would love to post pics, but still cant seem to, even after 2 mods explained how. Its a different format than i am used to for a forum and cant master it. My first skirting ( rednecked ) is a great pic.
My first year, i moved into my 26 foot no slide forest river, cheap TT, i wanted to test the waters before retiring/leaving the man early.
My first skirting was perfect and solid, and a one time use. This was in Bath PA, not arctic temps but still can get cold in the winter and crappy. Being a electric lineman for the company, i want warm when i get home after working in the cold, and worked in quite a bit of storms, as well as double shifts. I used cut up pole pieces from one of 3 pole dumpsters to line the camper all around, then the heaviest clear plastic i could get. I stapled the plastic to the pole chunks and used 4 inch electric tape to adhere plastic to the camper. Worked perfect, some of the rest of the people were chasing the foam way of skirting down when it got windy, mine, solid. Wood went back in dumpster and plastic in another dumpster, in the spring. Perfect actually, as mice and rodents dont like the smell of treated wood.
Next i made skirting from new oiled canvas tarp. It sews really nice on a normal sewing machine. I installed snaps in the bottom of the camper and in the canvas. I installed metal eyelets in 2 locations vertical, for anchoring the skirting down with spikes put in at an angle. Rolled up when not in use it stores well. In the 7 years i had made that, i used it one time for a couple weeks, and just carried it around the rest of the time.
Neither was intended to be a fashion show, just when needed work.
Now, when i make a front area for the front of the 5ver to use as a shed/storage area, ill order used billboard sign material that is the same as the awning, use the inside for the skirt facing out, as its not printed on. Install 3M non drill snaps on 5ver and install snaps in the material, with a velcrow door and eyelets for the lower part to be anchored. This is more for front storage and have things neat and clean behind it. If allowed at the campground i am at at the time. I dont plan on being normally in the cold, as i am retired and full time and am mobile, but if i had to, i would do the same for the rest of the 5ver, all around for skirting.