Greetings all! New Imagine XLS 23LDE owner, towing with 2023 Ford pickup. trailer comes with a "camera ready" spot up top in the back, i suppose besides mounting it has a power wire there somewhere. Curious if anyone has a suggestion for a camera (wireless, i guess..) that would mount here, with a screen in the tow rig that also has a forward looking dash-cam record type feature. Lots or morons out there cutting people off and seems like a good idea to have that running on a record loop. Seems like Amazon has some options in the $150 range which seems suspiciously cheap to me. Mixed reviews, made in China. I guess everything is these days, but I would not mind spending a little more if there was a logical point where cost and quality are optimized. Figured i would mount the cam/video display on a chunk of plywood or something (appropriately spay painted of course!) that i could drop in the dash tray when in use. Appreciate any suggestions...