hey all, so im trying to figure out what each color knob does at the control center and my owners manual hasnt been revised since 2014. i dont have the kantleak system and was hoping GD could chime in.
The graphic on the camper tells you HOW to position the valves, but doesn't say WHY or WHAT each valve does. Some of us would like to know that information...
The manual doesn't say anything about their specific functions, unfortunately. However, I think it's...
Blue - fresh water supply input to (down) water distribution system or (up) fresh water tank
top white - output from pump to (down) water distribution system or (up) fresh water tank
red - water heater bypass
bottom white - input to pump from (down) fresh water tank or (up) fresh water supply input
The difference is that in dry camping you turn on the water pump.
Blue - fresh water supply input to (down) water distribution system or (up) fresh water tank
top white - output from pump to (down) water distribution system or (up) fresh water tank
red - water heater bypass
bottom white - input to pump from (down) fresh water tank or (up) fresh water supply input
Turn on water pump, and it draws from the water tank, and feeds the water distribution system.
What make and year do you have ??? We contact the grand design service department and they emailed me a copy of the new water system manual because the manual that came with our reflection 317 RST was different.