Advanced Member
Please look at awning coming off posts on Forum on Reflections along with this posting. My awning fabric started creeping off the awning rail on one side and then on my return to the camper on 7/3, I found the awning rail pulled away from the wall of the camper by nearly a foot on the other side (above the door). Awning was retracted, stays retracted when I am not present at the camper, is retracted if windy or rainy conditions, retracted every night and only been on the highways twice since I purchased it the end of April 14'. When unable to reach GD on 7/3, have sent JD an email and pictures on 7/5 and hope to talk with him or another GD rep Monday morning. I also Talked to Lippert C. On 7/3 and asked them about the awning rail/installation process. I have a reference number to that conversation, as well. They indicated they do not give awning attachment instructions to RV Manufacturers as campers are all different.
I see visible appearance of the awning rail pulling away more and more. Rain is due in next couple days and 2 screws are completely out of camper that hold the awning rail in and a third screw is now, just about out. Worried about rain water coming into the camper.
I don't feel it can even be transported to the dealership (3 hrs away) without the awning/rail being secured to the camper. Am looking for a positive revolution to this matter as well as GD looking into the installation process as something is not right when others are also experiencing the same problem.
Thank you.
Reflection 337 RLS #494

I see visible appearance of the awning rail pulling away more and more. Rain is due in next couple days and 2 screws are completely out of camper that hold the awning rail in and a third screw is now, just about out. Worried about rain water coming into the camper.
I don't feel it can even be transported to the dealership (3 hrs away) without the awning/rail being secured to the camper. Am looking for a positive revolution to this matter as well as GD looking into the installation process as something is not right when others are also experiencing the same problem.
Thank you.
Reflection 337 RLS #494