Bathroom Towels?



Starting to put everything away in our new 369RL. So, where does everyone hang their towels? In my revious fiver I had an over-the door hook for my towels. Doesn't work with the pocket door ::). Doesn't work on the shower doors either with the triple layer design. I thought maybe command hooks on the wall, but do I really want towels hanging right behind the toilet? So, thought I would ask here what folks are doing. Thanks!

I had an over the door 3 bar towel rack in my old camper (believe I got it from Walmart). Hubby removed the over the door part. Drilled 2 holes in the frame across the top and bottom, and mounted it on the wall over the toilet. Works great there! I used narrow Velcro strips to help hold it also.

I'm sure any wall mounted towel rack would fit there. We do not have doors on the cabinets, so it's pretty easy to get into the baskets that I use on the shelves.
I mounted a 24 inch towel bar above the toilet (had to trim the corner moulding a bit to fit the bezel style) and a matching towel ring on the wall to the right of the sink. Be careful of the screw lengths so they don't poke thru or interfere with the pocket door. 3/4 inch worked for me. Also got some plastic over the door hangers at Target that fit on the upper shower door rail.

We also did a 24" rack above the toilet. Just be sure to hang it high enough so that it gives clearance for the seat with the towels hanging down. We stow them when we travel.
I bought individual over the door hooks/hangers at Wal-mart (bathroom section). They hang on the shower molding/frame and the towels hang on them. Does that make sense? If not, I could take a picture. I didn't want to put anything behind the toilet. They are working well for now.
Here are pics of the towel rack and ring installed on our 369rl. Ours doesn't have doors on the shelves in bathroom. If there are doors on you rig, they might interfere. Not sure. Some may not like the idea of towels hanging above toilet. No problems for us so far and it does keep them out of the way.


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No studs. I used small plastic drywall anchors and snipped about 1/2 inch off the length before inserting them to make sure they wouldn't poke thru the other side. They expand when the screw is installed and provide a fairly secure attachment if installed properly. The wall material is more than strong enough to support the weight of a few towels. Same thing on the towel ring on the pocket door side. You just need to be careful on the screw length so they won't poke thru the back of the cabinet (on opposite side of wall above and behind toilet) or interfere with the pocket door sliding. I used 3/4" long screws but you should be able to get away with 1/2". Keep in mind........[glow=red,2,300]you are drilling holes in the wall so measure twice....drill once[/glow]...and be confident you won't want to move them.... like my wife likes to re arrange our furniture every few months ;)

Hope this helps.

when drilling, use a drill stop. you don't want to slip and go all the way thru the wall. the wall material is only about 1/8" thick.
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