After looking at all of the videos and reading most of the posts on the subject, I ordered one. I currently have the Curt A16, which I like, but at times it gives me fits trying to latch it. I keep it lubed and test it but it still is an issue at times. The Crosswing looks, and sounds, like it will not have those issues at all. Very simple and effective design. I have looked for significant downsides and can find none. The A16 has some chucking and just plain sloppiness and noise that is bothersome. Another downside is it weighs 200#. Don't get me wrong, it's a solid hitch overall - very well made. Lastly, in the 5 years I have had the slider I have never needed it. I used it twice, once just to check it out. The second time was a huge mistake. Backing into my driveway, which pitches down from the road some. I decided the slider would maybe help, even though I had been in and out of the driveway several times previous. It tore the heck out of my tailgate when deployed, something I never expected - lesson learned.... With the approximate 5" offset on the Crosswing and my 6' 8" bed - should never have an issue. Looking forward to a good result and welcome any comments.