Paul & Deb
Senior Member
Anyone else with the double wide, 12 cu ft fridge notice that when on LP it runs constantly? By run I mean you can hear the gas burner, kinda like hearing the water heater or furnace when they're heating.
We have that frig and I don't really hear it inside. When your are outside you can hear the hiss of the gas but that is about all.
ours does it to did you find out anything?
That is the way that all absorption fridges I have owned has worked. Some you could hear and some you could not. Since the 12 CF is like two 6 CF then it requires twice as much propane to keep the absorption liquid moving in the coils.
That's what i figured, our old fridge you couldn't here it run, but the 12 c.f. sounds like a small torpedo heater running.