Tried to open our cargo door this evening and the handle broke on the slam latch. You can see in the pic the square shaft on the left. The handle has a square hole that fits the square shaft, the pot metal on the handle broke right off.
Looked it up on GD parts page and the part number is "560337 Door Baggage Slam Latch BP-20 BLK No Cylinder Keyed Alike". Our keys are Bauer Keys to I went to and low and behold they list a slam latch BP-20. I also verified it was the correct slam latch by the patent number on our broken door handle 8621901 which is the same number that comes up on the Bauer web page. Don't see how much more I can verify it's the correct latch. Looks like an exact fit. $27.49 plus shipping from Bauer. When you order they ask for your key number so you get the correct lock.
So if you have a slam latch baggage door handle break off like we did, at least for a 2019 Solitude S-Class this looks like what we need.
I haven't had a chance to wash our rig. But when the handle breaks off you can still get the cargo door open by using plyers on the square shaft and rotate the shaft. Thought I would post up for anyone else that has this problem
Looked it up on GD parts page and the part number is "560337 Door Baggage Slam Latch BP-20 BLK No Cylinder Keyed Alike". Our keys are Bauer Keys to I went to and low and behold they list a slam latch BP-20. I also verified it was the correct slam latch by the patent number on our broken door handle 8621901 which is the same number that comes up on the Bauer web page. Don't see how much more I can verify it's the correct latch. Looks like an exact fit. $27.49 plus shipping from Bauer. When you order they ask for your key number so you get the correct lock.
So if you have a slam latch baggage door handle break off like we did, at least for a 2019 Solitude S-Class this looks like what we need.
I haven't had a chance to wash our rig. But when the handle breaks off you can still get the cargo door open by using plyers on the square shaft and rotate the shaft. Thought I would post up for anyone else that has this problem
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