I kind of agree with you - just don't see how the bolt is not sitting in the hole correctly on ours with the spring appearing flat against the perch. I had a look at the RF u-bolt which is also not in the same position as it originally was. Both have the outer U-bolts sitting further towards the wheels with the older marks inside of the outer U-bolts. I'll be very curious to see how lined up everything is when he's done.
One thing I have just now found out, I compared the top leaf spring replacement tie plates we bought with the new Ubolts to an original LCI installed top plate - They Are Not The Same.The replacement plate is too wide and the center hole is not in the same place. This will make the new UBolts if installed straight - not install in the same place on the axle tube as the old ones were and the U bolts will be further away from the springs and axle perch.
I only have one of the original LCI installed top tie plates - I through the others away.
Now the top plate setting on the upper locating pin, the LCI original plate is sloppy in other words the hole in the plate is a tad too big. The replacement tie plate is even more loose but not by much. There both pretty even sloppy.
As I recall when I installed the new leaf springs they set down into the axle perch holes good and not sloppy loose back and forth.
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