Was wondering if anyone else is having their alarm going off excessively? We have had our propane off for several days and we get a gas (not CO2) alarm 2-3 times each day on our detector.
Take the alarm off the wall and look for a date on the back. That is where they are generally located. The sensors have an expiration date. I had a Jayco one time that the alarm kept going off and the dealer replaced it. It had not expired but I guess it just went belly up.Was wondering if anyone else is having their alarm going off excessively? We have had our propane off for several days and we get a gas (not CO2) alarm 2-3 times each day on our detector.
Any chance your batteries are real low? There is a warning chirp that starts up when the batteries get below a certain level. It's different than the alarm. I've had that happen, but no false alarms.
They are good for 4 more years.
Was wondering if anyone else is having their alarm going off excessively? We have had our propane off for several days and we get a gas (not CO2) alarm 2-3 times each day on our detector.
Hi @wlesage,
I've taken the liberty of asking Ryan Prough, the Warranty Manager here at Grand Design RV, to contact you. Or if it is more convenient for you, please feel free to contact Ryan at (574) 825-9679.
Best regards,
~ Janice
Mine just started the excessive alarm thing, parked at home for now, not being used. Pulled the device out, manufactured 2013 and says replace after 60months......not even 3 years and it is not working. Has GD gone to the supplier for some relief?
done and done
I have similar issue on our Momemtum 350M after 3 months use. I reported to GD last fall so could be taken care in spring warranty punch list stuff. GD service said the battery level too low and suggested I add a 2nd battery. After the dealer added the 2nd battery this spring, it still chirps when battery level is at 50%. Very annoying when dry camping as it never makes through the night even with batteries fully charged from generator before going to bed. Nothing like having to get up during middle of night and having to disconnect battery to stop. I reported to dealer (Windish) and they said that was normal behaviour. I reported to GD service too, but DeWayne Jordan (regional service manager) also responded to me that the detector is working as designed. Is this really normal?
The replacement I got was the same brand, but a flush mount which looks much neater than the surface mount unit GD used.
Hi @randyweller1,
I highly recommend you contact your RV dealer for a service appointment to have your safety alarm physically inspected and tested. As listed in your Momentum Owner Manual and the manual provided by the manufacturer of the carbon monoxide safety alarm, there are other factors (including low auxiliary battery voltage) that may cause the safety alarm to sound.
Best regards,
~ Janice
Thanks for the response Janice. Maybe I wasn't clear on my post, but the dealer (Windish RV) and Grand Design service both have said the device is performing as designed.
Was wondering if anyone else is having their alarm going off excessively? We have had our propane off for several days and we get a gas (not CO2) alarm 2-3 times each day on our detector.