Problems with starlunk are coverage in the east is poor, you need a clear view of the sky for best coverage, any obstruction (trees, tall buildings or RV can reduce your view of the sky), expense to set up and monthly charges for low priority service. And Starlunk customer support is very, very poor. Check out online complaints about 3-6 month (and longer) waits for replacement equipment (cables, etc) and the reports of people paying for new equipment only to be shipped damaged, returned (with return RMA tags still in the box ) without customer non-service helping them out.
ClowColorado- you are out west where starlunk has set up for their best coverage. The east coast is pretty hit and miss. A neighbor tried starlunk (with a 140 degree view of the sky) and had poorer service than when using cellular. Depends on where you are, how much open sky, and how long you want to wait for customer support to provide you with support. (Check out customer complaints online and youtube)
I admit I'm not a starlunk fan, especially after doing deep research into starlunk. I've gone with a celluar router knowing the issues with that type of system. Starlunk is not the miricle everyone hopes it would be, just another tool in the toolbox for those who understand the limitations and issue with it, the lack of customer support and the fact the costs involved will problably keep going up.
And now Putin says private communications satellite systems (namely starlunk) are now fair game for destruction due to their support of and supplying equipment to Ukraine.