I am moving from an old truck to a new one.
New truck: 2023 Chevy Silverado 2500 HD, crew cab short bed (6.8 foot bed)
HAS OEM 5th wheel/gooseneck under bed mounting pucks.
Old truck: 2008 Ford F-250 crew cab short bed (6.75 foot bed )
Uses old-school rail mounts bolted above bed floor.
The old truck and hitch is my first foray into 5th wheel towing and number decisions were made with an abundance of naivete. We used a Husky 16K hitch on a 16K roller mount. (See image attached below.). This set-up functions well but does “clunk” a fair amount and get itself into a mode of “chucking” fore-and-aft where I need to brake slightly to settle it down. As I understand it, the sliding bar type of hitch has some slop in it, as do the slider rollers. This freeplay allows enough fore-aft movement to “chuck”. I have spent time adjusting out as much free-play as I can without causing it to bind up.
We have, however, become accustomed to the manual slider. The rearward position offers allows the tailgate to be open during hitch/un-hitch. And, of course, the peace of mind regarding sharp turns.
In this new truck I’d like take advantage of the OEM mounts and eliminate the chucking. It would be nice to stay with a manual slider. BUT, weight is important. My 3108 lb payload capacity says that I should not use a near-400-lb beast automatic slider, for example.
Plus, I do remove the hitch when not traveling.
I see a few possibilities and want to solicit advice and opinions from folks with the same or similar trucks and fifth wheels.
1a) B&W Companion OEM Slider (RVK3775)
Looks really nice but is heavy, at about 280 lbs. ( I think. B&W is carefully avoids listing weights.)
1b). B&W Companion fixed position hitch:
Lighter than the slider, but NOT a slider (what does this weigh??)
Any folks out there with 303RLS and Chevy 2500/2500 short beds using this? What is your experience?
2) Anderson Ultimate
Super light. NOT a slider. Different sort of hooking up scheme.
Any folks out there with 303RLS and Chevy 2500/2500 short beds using this? What is your experience?
3) Buy an adapter plate (Demco or Curt, for example) and move the old Husky 16K slider into the new truck.
It will work. It will also still be clunky and chucky.
Need to examine the height of the adapter plate versus the height of the rail bolted in the F-250.
The bed of the new truck is a maybe ½ inch higher and perhaps the springs will sag less.
4) Demco and Pullrite
NO manual sliders. I am resisting automatic sliders. Is the foolish?
5) Curt
They have a manual slider, but the whole things seems to be too tall.
What am I missing? What is working well for you?
Here is that photo of the old hitch: