Classified Posting Guidelines
For Sale ads should include:
When your item has sold or the ad is no longer relevant: Please post a Reply to the ad that the item is SOLD or
click the Report Post icon on post 1 of the thread to ask a moderator to archive the ad.
- We expect ads placed to be related to the topic of this forum.
- Ads that are inactive for 180 days or longer may be removed. Ads may be relisted if the item is still current. Alternatively, owners may contact a Moderator to reinstate an archived ad.
[*]The Classified section is for advertising, members are asked to refrain from posting discussions to a Classified Ad.
[*]Please start a discussion thread or PM the owner for discussions. - Do not hijack another member's ad by posting unsolicited commentary or “piggy backing”. Example: if a member has posted an ad offering a hitch for sale, don't add a post to his thread stating that you have a hitch you'd like to get rid of also. Posts deemed as unsolicited commentary may be removed.
- For your own security, do NOT include your e-mail or phone number in your ad. Instead request that interested parties contact you via PM (private message) to provide owners contact info.
- Brokers, Dealers or those with a commercial interest in a sale are prohibited from posting in the Classified Section.
For Sale ads should include:
- Asking price,
- Location
- A Basic Description if item and condition
- Clear statement whether you are the owner or non-owner [/B]
- (posting for friend, relative, or acquaintance)
When your item has sold or the ad is no longer relevant: Please post a Reply to the ad that the item is SOLD or
click the Report Post icon on post 1 of the thread to ask a moderator to archive the ad.
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