If the installation was inspected/permitted then the receptacle "should" be the same amp rating as the breaker that is feeding the power pedestals 120 receptacle. Also it's considered a wet location so either GFCI receptacle or GFCI breaker.
Now if the power pedestal wasn't done where a permit is required , who knows how/what was done. In my state electrical is supposed to be done no matter by who using the current adopted NEC , here in Tx its the 2023 NEC, whether or not it's in a permit/inspection area . I live in a county that doesn't do any inspection/permit other than septic & water wells which is a state thing. Only a couple of towns have code enforcement in my county.
Back to the li battery. If I get only (2) 100AH Li batteries with 100amp BMS each I shouldn't have any trouble starting genny or slides/levelors with hydraulic pump ?