I have a similar setup with a 303 with a short bed Silverado and a Pullrite Superglide. Most talk about backing up and having to jacknife into a spot where, yes, you will need a slider. The situation I have been in required a sharp, nearly 90 degree turn into a driveway with quite a dip. Without the Superglide, I would either have run the cap into the cab, or been out in the road unlocking and extending my manual sliding hitch, in the rain, with a line of cars behind that may or may not have had infinite patience. In fact, when I come and go camping from my home, I have to make a U-turn in the culdesac at the end of my street. All of that said, I have never had to worry about any trailer/truck contact with Superglide, and a little wiping of the rails with a rag and then a spray of WD40 each trip is all that is needed. I have adjusted the center point bolt twice in 3 years. The capture plate has been removed twice for service and not needed any tightening in between. It is simply piece of mind and no hassles whatsoever. In our travels, we have spoken with many who have the Superglide and no one has been disappointed or would consider anything else. If you have a short bed, you need it, or one of the alternatives, or a lot of patience, or a lot of money to fix stuff...it only takes once.