We have several sets with us whenever we travel. We each carry a set of keys and each set contains truck keys, all RV keys, and a house keys. We keep a set of RV stashed on the RV for emergency use. My daughter also has a set of our RV keys in case of an emergency.Have a truck/trailer set up. I was thinking it would probably be a good idea to put a spare set of trailer keys in my truck glove box and was thinking maybe a spare truck key in one of those realtor style lockboxes clipped to something unoffending in the undercarriage.
Anyone do something similar or have a better plan(besides don't lose your damn keys!)? Do you keep your truck keys and trailer keys on the same key ring or keep them separate? Spares?
My 2023 truck is keyless, so the keys to the truck and the trailer are in my pocket at all times. I also now have a keyless entry lock on my trailer.We drove all day to northern CA, stepped out of the side door of our Class C and all the doors were locked... panic set in as the engine was running and the animals were inside... after thinking of locksmith, breaking a window, I found the RV keys in my pocket...
I now have a spare set of truck and RV keys in a lockbox...
It's a no brainer