DVD/picks up refrigerator hum

Danny Moss

Sep 14, 2014
Hobart, Ok
Our 2015 303ris has a hum in the refrigerator that the furion DVD/radio unit amplifies over the speakers. It is annoying. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
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Welcome to the forum Danny! I moved your thread to the Tech Corner so you could get an answer from Grand Design.

Thanks Steve....and I also might ask, do you other Reflection owners experience a hum from the refrigerator.....even if not amplified by the DVD unit. Is noticeable hum normal?
Yep I have that high pitch hum to. It's the cooling fan. I wish atwood and grand design would step up and replace it with a different one that doesn't make so much noise. Does your frige drip water from the ceiling of frige too. Ours gets soaking wet and drips on our food. I have had many campers and none of them dripped like this one . Our dealer tried to adjust the door but it did not help. I think the door does not seal properly. Any one else have this issue??
Hi Danny

I would try some capacitors. Maybe a .01 between the + and - on the fan and then each pole on the fan to ground.
That may stop the noise in the radio. Good luck. Charlie.....
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