Hi! This is my first post here. I read through some posts but didn't see this issue addressed. The rear AC, model Airxcel Coleman Mach 15, is making a weird howling noise starting it up for the first time since last summer. The fan spins but it's like it's not running at full speed or has a bad bearing. The fan makes the sound no matter if I run it on AC mode or fan mode.
The fan motors are very easy to replace (for me) but I would love to troubleshoot the issue before I assume it's the motor.
Does this issue sound familiar to anyone?
Could a start-up circuit cause the motor to receive less voltage and the howl is from a slow running motor?
Is it the bearings? (I read posts where People have temporarily oiled fan motor bearings to see if that's the issue).
Something else?
I have pulled the covers off and the AC unit is still very clean and I don't see any obvious issues - I observed the unit running with the covers off.
We have a 2021 Reflection 310 RLS, if that makes a difference. The AC barely has a few months of run time on it. It's a bone stock AC with no mods.
The fan motors are very easy to replace (for me) but I would love to troubleshoot the issue before I assume it's the motor.
Does this issue sound familiar to anyone?
Could a start-up circuit cause the motor to receive less voltage and the howl is from a slow running motor?
Is it the bearings? (I read posts where People have temporarily oiled fan motor bearings to see if that's the issue).
Something else?
I have pulled the covers off and the AC unit is still very clean and I don't see any obvious issues - I observed the unit running with the covers off.
We have a 2021 Reflection 310 RLS, if that makes a difference. The AC barely has a few months of run time on it. It's a bone stock AC with no mods.