As a painter, I can tell you ....once the clear is ruined, the base coat must be addressed as well since it does not have UV protection. The right way would be to remove the decals, sand down the clear into the base coat. Recoat the base and then finish with several coats of clear. There is really no great or appealing way to address your issue once the clear coat has deteriorated. It happens allot on auto paint especially here in CO.Can anyone tell me how to fix the clear coat without taking it to a dealer. We live in it and don't want to rent a hotel.
Pictures attached.
Hey Keebier,As a painter, I can tell you ....once the clear is ruined, the base coat must be addressed as well since it does not have UV protection. The right way would be to remove the decals, sand down the clear into the base coat. Recoat the base and then finish with several coats of clear. There is really no great or appealing way to address your issue once the clear coat has deteriorated. It happens allot on auto paint especially here in CO.
A good body shop could likely do it in a couple days so the impact is minimal.
Here is a pix. It all looks this way.Hey Keebier,
I got scammed last year at Lake Pleasant in Arizona. A guy saw me trying to wax my 8 year old GD oxidation. He talked me into a 'gelcoat' restoration on site. Don't know what he rolled on, but it looked good for 2 days. Then it started to scuff all over. And, of course, he wouldn't answer my calls! Most of my original gel coat looks ok, but the ugly scuffing of his miracle crap is dog ugly! Any ideas?
How long have you had Poli Glow on RV and how many times have you applied it?I have an imagine and have the same problem. wasn't sure how to deal with that. i did by poliglow and applied it to the trailer and put a nice shine and protection on it. was really impressed with it. i bought the kit which had the stuff to remove oxidation, prep and coating as well as a sealer.
Thanks for the info. I'll check into it!i just put on about 4 coats on the 29' trailer about 2 weeks ago. got just a little bit left. they recommend 6 coats and if i remember right should last about 5 years. I just wish i would have done this a couple of years agoi looked at the reviews as well but have to say , it really put the shine and even more important good protection on the rv.
I used PoliGlow on my last trailer (Dutchmen Denali) with good results. Before that, the front cap kept getting oxidized. I would rub it out and apply wax. Within a few months of setting in the sun it would re-oxidize. I tried PoliGlow, following their process with buffing and about 4 coats. I looked good. Don't forget to re-coat every year because it will start to haze if you don't. I don't know how well that would work with your clear coat failure unless you could first carefully sand off the remaining clear coat. I keep my Reflection covered in winter to help protect the finish from sun exposure.Thanks for the info. I'll check into it!