after first trip, found this brand new...(looks like never used)... white hard plastic 2" wheel/roller on kitchen floor and a allen button head 1/4" bolt.. can anyone tell me where this would be from???
after first trip, found this brand new...(looks like never used)... white hard plastic 2" wheel/roller on kitchen floor and a allen button head 1/4" bolt.. can anyone tell me where this would be from???
after first trip, found this brand new...(looks like never used)... white hard plastic 2" wheel/roller on kitchen floor and a allen button head 1/4" bolt.. can anyone tell me where this would be from???
[MENTION=55666]Klymaxr[/MENTION] -after first trip, found this brand new...(looks like never used)... white hard plastic 2" wheel/roller on kitchen floor and a allen button head 1/4" bolt.. can anyone tell me where this would be from???
[MENTION=55666]Klymaxr[/MENTION] -
I'll echo the others - we need more info and a photo of the roller would really help.
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soo sorry its a 2022 grand design momentum 28G, sorry no pic but it a white plastic 2" wheel with a 5/16 hole.... looks like a roller from a refrig or washer.... that why i was asking if slides have big rollers on a track or on floor under them?
[MENTION=55666]Klymaxr[/MENTION]thats what i thought it might be for.... i dont know where this roller would be, i have a trim piece of wood in front of fridge stove and couch on the slide.... how do i remove this wood trim. also is there a way of moving slide in and out manually in case i have an issue