Snow finally cleared and got inside to start cleaning for trip to Elkhart Thursday. Sorry I did. I simply can not explain the amount of trim issues that occurred over the winter with the unit level and still showing level. From front cap to rear wall, it's insane - trim panels popped everywhere, daylight coming in on the rear wall where there never was before. But yet again, I could not open the bedroom closet doors despite the fact that they worked fine when leveled in the fall. Then I spotted a couple of screws in the closet shoe area that were sitting 1/4" above where they should have been secured. Off-door side (which is where most of the other flex symptoms are) was much worse than the door side. I verified that the lag bolts under the dresser were in place - did not want to take the wood trim off on the off-door side though much of it has popped loose around the bed frame. But gaps between ceiling and trim are now very noticeable. My confidence level about safely arriving in Elkhart is not high. Two pictures from today now added to the below list sent to GD.
1) Within 1500 miles all door side lower filon trim screws suddenly snapped letting the filon flap in the breeze
2) Shower soap dish screws snapped at approximately 2500 miles
3) Master control panel shattered in 4 locations in three months of delivery
4) Goosebox pressure relieve valve (new design) exploded pulling out of a fuel stop at about 11,000 miles
5) Goosebox pressure relief valve (original design) exploded pulling into a site at 18,000 miles
6) Decal wrinkles at dropdown frame site on off-door side at 19,000 miles
7) Suspension failures may or may not be related
8) Screws holding the passenger side propane tank strap continue to snap
9) Screws appearing on floor between closet and bed on a recurring basis - not sure but think they are coming from the closet door channels
10) Impossible to keep closet doors sliding smoothly - adjusted multiple time a year because I can't close them
11) Pass thru door no longer aligned properly allowing water onto the level-up controller
12) Replaced front cargo door warped again and difficult to lock
13) Despite W/D appears to be mounted to the floor but it continually moves during travel – I can move it just a little to even it out again, but it seems to slide each trip
14) Filon trim seal detaching on door off-side
15) Bulge from frame in filon at drop down of off-door side where the silicone sealant pulled away.
Notice two screws on off-door side and only one on door side.
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