My husband and I have been full-timers for three years now. Started out with a TH and just purchased a Solitude 369RL. Absolutely love it! Grand Design designers did a excellent job of use of space, tasteful interior cabinetry and colors, comfort features with the residential size refrigerator, fireplace, huge pantry, no carpet in the living area and kitchen, nice size TV, stereo system and sooooo much storage space. Only issue we have is the dishwasher, it appears someone forgot to turn the valve on for water to pump in. With our Dutchman TH we had a list of 30+problems.
Our method of travel is to volunteer or workkamp in an area for 6 months at a time. Gives us a chance to explore, meet the locals who become friends, become part of the community, and we learn about the places "tourist" never see. We started out as camp hosts, but now we do boat inspections, drive a water taxi at a harbor, docent at National Parks, lighthouses, historical sites etc. Some positions are paid and some we just volunteer at. We have lived right on the Pacific Ocean, on high mountain lakes in Colorado, in the middle of no where next to the cliffs in Sedona.
Workampers is a great site to learn where opportunities exist in the state you want to go. Also and seriously if there is a place you would like to volunteer or work at just call them up and ask what is available. That's all we did and we had no experience in anything we have done.
Now just like your lives living in a stick house there will be issues and problems. But if you stick together and work it out (and as we hear all the time) you'll be "living the dream"!!!