Senior Member
There will be no storage unit.
Most of the time the price of the storage unit after only 1 year will be more then the price of what's in the storage unit.
Oct 2015 for me here on the forum and you at July of 2014. Grand Design was just barely born back then.
I've been watching you and a few other long-timer's here on the form; learning from what has been shared.
It's cheaper and easier to learn from someone else's mistakes. KEN
Fully agree. We’ve been at it almost 9 years and while we did not rent a storage unit, we did keep 14 Rubbermaid tubs in a family members attic. We decided last year to get them, which primarily contained crafts my wife couldn’t let go of and some family memorabilia. About 70% of that went in the trash. Most won’t believe it, but if you truly are full-timers, let the kiddos and other family members get what they want, digitize photos etc you’ll want to keep, then let the rest go. Truth is the stuff you keep is to pass down, and if the kids didn’t want it to begin with, they won’t want it later.