DW & I have begun to plan for our full timing lifestyle. We plan to begin around spring 2017. We would be just over & just under 41 years of age (7 months difference between us). We know we will have to work our way around the country, as we are not independently wealthy. However, we believe that this will be a wonderful way to enjoy the country, meet great people, and not have to wait until we are 55-60 yrs old. Not that we feel that is too old, we just want to do this sooner. We hope to have a decent little reserve fund when we begin, as well as retirement accounts in a fair enough spot to grow untouched for the following 19-20 years. We have done at least a years worth of research about living full timing, thus far, and believe we will do well and love it. We would really appreciate hearing from anyone that is already full timing, or planning to full time, and doesn't mind sharing their story...
1) How old were you when you began to live the full time lifestyle?
2) Did you absolutely have to work to get by, or were you retired?
3) If you had to work, what type of work did you find, was it enjoyable, and how difficult was it making ends meet living this lifestyle?
4) Do you typically stay put for extended periods of time, or are you more apt to move every coupe days or weeks?
5) What do you miss the most about the "traditional" lifestyle?
6) What do you like the most about full timing?
1) How old were you when you began to live the full time lifestyle?
2) Did you absolutely have to work to get by, or were you retired?
3) If you had to work, what type of work did you find, was it enjoyable, and how difficult was it making ends meet living this lifestyle?
4) Do you typically stay put for extended periods of time, or are you more apt to move every coupe days or weeks?
5) What do you miss the most about the "traditional" lifestyle?
6) What do you like the most about full timing?
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