

Sep 8, 2014
Santa Rosa, California
The furnace on our new 337rls make sounds like it's not igniting, like a loud roar that shuts off after a couple seconds then a fan type sound then the roar for a few secs and so on until eventually after a minute or two and we raise the temp setting it goes on with a constant roar type sound. To me the roar sound is what I'm used to from my old rv but I've never heard my old furnace sound like it s having a hard time lighting. Does that sound normal to anyone?
Ours is doing the same thing, but it cycles it least 5 minutes before it stays on. This morning it is still doing it after 10 minutes and hasn't stopped yet. As a matter of fact it is getting worse. At first I thought it might be air working its way through the gas line but now I'm thinking there is a problem.
Ok had the furnace checked out and apparently the wires on the thermostat were not connected well so that explained the furnace light on the thermostat not illuminating and there was a short which was causing the stalled ignition to light and stay lit. All is now well do far.
Ok had the furnace checked out and apparently the wires on the thermostat were not connected well so that explained the furnace light on the thermostat not illuminating and there was a short which was causing the stalled ignition to light and stay lit. All is now well so far.
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