Sounds like you have a good plan that will work well. You can always upgrade at a later date if you feel the need.
I will include a few shots of my install here, though I plan to do a more complete write-up of this (hopefully before I forget a lot of the details!) sometime soon.
Since I can only attach 5 per post, I will start with the finished shots. As part of this install I also replaced the mount for the TV with one that has a lot more range. I'm very happy with it - it gets the TV much closer to square with the sofa whereas the original was always at an odd angle. I actually did the TV mount before I did the solar - in doing that I realized the entire area behind the TV was completely empty save a few wires.
You can see the multiplus here - I made an access hole for it, it's usually covered with a screen for airflow. Sometimes you can hear it but generally speaking it's pretty quiet most of the time. It doesn't bother me or my wife.
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This shows the TV swung out in front of the sofa
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You can see that I replaced the paneling behind the tv - had I been smarter I would have carefully pulled out the original panel and re-used it. But it got sacrafically cut when I mounted the TV mount there before doing the solar - so it had a big hole in the middle of it and was scrapped. Getting the replacement panel would not have been expensive, but shipping it to California my dealer wanted like $300. Since its behind the TV most of the time anyhow, I wasn't worried about it and got something that was close enough at a big box store.
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From the other side. You can see another access panel (doesn't need airflow so no screen) the battery and some other stuff is behind that. With both open its tight in there but I can get to everything needed. If I have to pull the entire panel it takes maybe an hour or so.
I added additional 120v since I was in there anyhow, and the electrodacus BMS, and more USB connections. I have a little router mounted permanently there and it runs off usb power too. There is also a battery cutt-off and a 120 main breaker.
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I will follow with one more reply and a few more pics.