I am thinking about getting some of these https://smile.amazon.com/Colby-Valve-Permanent-Stem-Replacement/dp/B06Y1TQZK4/ref=pd_bxgy_img_3/136-4495755-3174737?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B06Y1TQZK4&pd_rd_r=d984875e-e6ae-48d2-9635-235e6b8fd3b2&pd_rd_w=rd5Az&pd_rd_wg=mFk7V&pf_rd_p=f325d01c-4658-4593-be83-3e12ca663f0e&pf_rd_r=RTF5T6C7XP21ED0P4KT3&psc=1&refRID=RTF5T6C7XP21ED0P4KT3 when I get my TPMS system (have not yet decided which system I want). From the reviews on Amazon, Youtube videos, and other web sources, they seem to be a really good way to get metal Valve Stems. They make them for no tool emergency repairs, 1" and 1.5" lengths, .453" and .625". Thoughts?
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