Help! Roof mounted solar on 2021 GD 2500 RL


New Member
Mar 13, 2021
We will be getting a solar panel installed on the roof of our 2021 GD 2021 RL. It is prewired for the roof panel. Does anyone know if their are any plugs in the coach that are inverted from 12v already installed during construction given that roof top solar is now an option?
If you didnt get solar from the factory, there is no inverter. You would need to install an inverter and a solar charge controller.

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As the trailer is pre-wired for Roof top solar panels, I was hoping they would put in some inverted plugs like they do on rockwoods :(
We will be getting a solar panel installed on the roof of our 2021 GD 2021 RL. It is prewired for the roof panel. Does anyone know if their are any plugs in the coach that are inverted from 12v already installed during construction given that roof top solar is now an option?

Not sure what you are asking here. The wired for solar on our 2500RL was a joke. It was merely a place to plug a solar array with 10 gauge wire through the roof. You must wire the system to a solar controller and then your batteries. The connection could handle on 1 array.

An inverter changes 12 V into 110 alternating current,
Can you tell me if there is solar prep besides the roof. On the older 2500rl it was on slide side beside pass thru door and cold not see the cover on 2021 pics. thanks
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