holding tank monitor upgrade


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2015
I am thinking of upgrading my holding tank monitor to a Seelevel 2 monitor. Has anyone done this on a reflection. Does anyone know how tall ( in inches ) the holding tanks are on a 2016 Reflection 303 Rls. This monitor has external sensors and good reviews on the web. The monitor that came with my Reflection is very unstable. Sometimes I get a reading and sometimes I have to play with the monitor. I figure it probably is best to upgrade to a more reliable monitor than sink money into parts for this monitor. Any help or thoughts are appreciated.
A number of folks in the Escapees RV Club have installed the SeeLevel system with good results. According to the GD parts lookup site, your tank heights/depths are:

Fresh - 7.5"
Waste - 7"

In other words, pretty shallow.

Thanks Rob. I guess it isn't too difficult to install. The biggest issue is getting the monitor wired properly. Have a nice day !
A number of folks in the Escapees RV Club have installed the SeeLevel system with good results. According to the GD parts lookup site, your tank heights/depths are:

Fresh - 7.5"
Waste - 7"

In other words, pretty shallow.


And now I think I get why my display hardly ever shows empty. With such a shallow depth it seems any water in the tanks show the first indictor light.
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