Oh boy this can vary widely depending on where you live all based on your zip code. Medicare or not - one type of policy/plan may not work for someone else or may not be available where they live.
We use an AARP Medicare advantage plan that is a POS (Point Of Service) type of plan for the last 3 years. It covers us no matter where we travel but it pays more if you use an in network provider. I was in the hospital twice last year, both times over a week stay, different hospitals, different parts of Texas. Also I had to go to several specialist to diagnose what was wrong. Our plan work out great and we have had no problems with doctors, specialist, hospitals or providers, even my ambulance ride to one of the hospital.
In total with our plan for 2024 we paid $2,159 out of pocket which includes two different hospital stays (different hospitals one week each), hospital emergency rooms, one urgent care facility, colonoscopies, endoscopies, pancreatic scans, thyroid scans, MRI's, primary care doctors, 3 different gastroenterologist, one endocrinologist, one standby surgeon, a couple different anesthesiologists, hospital attending doctors, drugs, eye glasses, dentist treatments/ procedures and other things I have forgotten right now.
Yes there are good points and some not so good points to our plan but it fits us pretty well no matter where we travel in the US. We always return to Texas once a year for our annual physicals and primary care dr visits and bloodwork. It has Medicare parts A and B, plus drug coverage, eye coverage, dentist coverage, $100 / quarter allowance for OTC stuff, and we have used them all this last year, and not just in our primary care location. We have also had prescriptions refilled all over the country at Walgreens, CVS and HEB food stores.
Now It doesn't help much with some of Tami's asthma inhalers like tier 3 drugs, but then again neither does any other plan.
Again this type of plan may not work for everyone. Its not traditional Medicare parts A, B, D plus a supplemental, G, H, etc) but its not an HMO advantage plan either. Everyone has to look at what plans are available in their zip code, pick what fits your situation best. How's your health, how much can you afford out of pocket, what drugs are you taking, etc, etc.