Hydac Cartridge valve:
You will have four of these valves on your RV. One is located on the front LG ( passenger side ) and three are located on the Extend manifold block located inside the hydraulic pump access area on the wall
** These are used to control the flow of hydraulic fluid and pressure for hydraulic slide and hydraulic level up landing gear extension or retraction
The PN for the valve ( same for all ) is:
Lippert PN: 177094
Actual PN: WS08W-01T-C-N-0
It is made by Hydac International Company..
You can also find the same PN made by various companies located in China...
** The price between the two is "considerably less" with the China versions..
From Lippert:
From Amazon ( China Made ):
From RV Upgrades Website ( Lippert made ):
The coil is sold separately and there are two types used ( one for the Frt LG and then the other on the three valves on the extend manifold.. ( the electrical coil rarely fails )
From Adventure RV Parts (Lippert PN): but does not state if Lippert or China made:
From Amazon ( various China knock offs ):
** Which one would I buy if I needed a replacement Hydac cartridge valve??
Probably one of the China knock offs from Amazon.. Again, this doesn't come with the slide on electrical coil and the coils usually are not the issue ( I've never seen one be bad ... its always the internals of the Hydac cartidge valve that cause the issues