We bought our 2022 Imagine 2970RL travel trailer last July 2021. Used it twice and then time to store. Spray foamed every nook and cranny underneath the rig. Had slide outs in when this was done. We have had campers travel trailers with wheels you name it for years and years and never had any mice issues. We always make sure we spray foam everything so nothing can get in. Opened up travel trailer to get ready for memorial day holiday and found it was infested with mice. Brand new trailer my heart broke. Mice poop pee everywhere. There was no food left in this camper and it was left sparkling clean. They brought their own food in pine nut shells everywhere. Had To throw the mattress away and spent a week of heavy and deep cleaning. Looking for where they got in. We noticed when the slide outs were out we could see daylight in each corner. There were holes that you could see daylight out of in the slides. Called Grand design and they said that’s how they make it so that water can escape if it happens to get behind the rubber seal on the slide out. I said well what about the mice that got in my trailer and completely destroyed it over the winter. She said she would send me some plugs for those holes but then we may end up with water in our fifth wheel. So I guess my choice is mice or water lol. We’re still trying to find a way to plug those holes. Can’t use spray foam because it’s a moving part. The mice actually chewed some of the rubber seal to make a bigger hole so they could get in easier. Any suggestions from anyone who has experience this would be so appreciated.