MORryde Crossmember on 2400BH?


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Oct 11, 2020
Atlanta, GA
Has anyone installed the MORryde crossmember on a 2400BH? How did you manage potential interference with the forward gray water drain? Any pictures available?

Thanks in advance. I'll be sure to update the thread if I move forward and work through the issues.
MORryde X-Factor Crossmember install on 2400BH

I just wrapped up this install yesterday. Took me a while mostly due to the imprecise (to be kind) manufacturing tolerances on the spring hangers. I installed the CRE3000 and HD shackles and wet bolts at the same time. Those installs are well chronicled so I'm going to focus on the crossmembers and specifically the 2400BH.

First, I called MORryde, and they were kind enough to send me a technical drawing. Using that and a carpenter square, I was able to determine clearance for the front crossmember and the equalizer crossmember. I confirmed gray water drain interference for the rear crossmember.


I decided to drill new mounting holes in the rear crossmember ends that would lower it 3/4 inch. Drilling through 1/4 inch steel is not exactly easy, but I started small and gradually increased drill bit size to 9/16. I was reminded on three different occasions of the need for patience...each time that I snapped a bit pressing too hard. For the record, that does NOT speed up the process.


With holes drilled and painted, I thought I was clear. It was then that I found that the straps that hold the crossmember vertically interfered with the springs. Since they don't carry any load, I used a grinder to create clearance.


Once that was done, all bolted up cleanly.


The MORryde instructions had conflicting torque specs. I called MORryde, and their technicians recommend 45 ft-lb for the crossmember and shackle wet bolts. Also, the grease zerks for the crossmembers must face out so I just have all zerks out. I bought some poly covers for them on Amazon to help keep them clean and functional.

I have no idea if all of the effort was worth it - especially on a trailer of this size. I do know that tight turns place a lot of sideways pressure on the tires, and I assume that is transferred to the spring hangers. I have to make a very tight U-turn at my storage lot. To me, this was reasonably cheap "insurance" against premature spring hanger failure.

Final product...

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Good job, I think there is no doubt that your efforts were worth the result. It turned out very reliable!
Thanks for the detailed install instructions. I'm in the same boat with a 2600RB and the front grey tank dump tube being in the way. I ordered the standard crossmember (U021-003) and praying that it will go on without too much difficulty. MORryde also has a drop down X-Factor that I discovered after I ordered the U021-003. The only place that I found it actually available is at etrailer. See the attached links for the MORryde drop down.
I spoke with MORryde about the drop down crossmember, and they sent the technical drawing. Unfortunately, it requires 4" from hanger to "obstacle" because that's how far out the crossmember extends from the hanger before dropping. It was after that discussion that I just decided to go with standard crossmembers and modify.
I spoke with MORryde about the drop down crossmember, and they sent the technical drawing. Unfortunately, it requires 4" from hanger to "obstacle" because that's how far out the crossmember extends from the hanger before dropping. It was after that discussion that I just decided to go with standard crossmembers and modify.

I have returned one of the straight x-factors, E-Trailer is pretty accommodating, but I did have to p/u the return shipping. I do have 2 X-Factor crossmembers installed, on the equalizer and rear hanger. Just a little concern about stiffening up the back 2 hanger sets and not the front set.

I am thinking that my ability to mod a cross member like you did is a little beyond my reach and am thinking that it will be more in my capability to cut and reroute the abs grey water tank drain line, a little less risky for me. I need to crawl under there and start noodling this out in my head. Thanks for the tip on the 4" required clearance need from the hanger. That will help me out.

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