On our third trip with our new 2024 310GK the power cord reel failed. Still can hear the motor but it will not engage the reel. Before I contact our dealer for replacement are there more robust cord reals available?
Did you possibly disengage it? Try flipping the engage/disengage and turn it by hand a little to get it to catch. Mine just did this today when the service rep put it in neutral to get my chord when I was taking too long to turn on the batts.
I had the same problem and took mine apart. There are plastic gears inside and on sheared off. Morryde replaced it and so far so good. I didn't look for a better reel since it was covered under warranty. If this one goes now I will look. Hoping it doesn't. As @txloser stated check to make sure you didn't disengage it. I don't think you can do it by accident though.
On mine, the fastener that holds the reel to the shaft loosened. Once I cinched that down with locktite, it’s been fine. It’s a great feature, but you do need to “feed” the cord as you’re winding it up. Never had any issues with the gearing.
I'm pretty low tech, so I have been using a manual hose reel from Harbor Freight for the last six years.
Always works, but the winder is getting slower
A quick update, the first cord reel had a broken gear resulting in the failure. The replacement cord reel needed a shim to get the reel to engage.
The cord reel is proving to be a like - dislike device. When the cord is pliable the reel works great and I like the convenience. However, in cold weather the power cord is so stiff the cord reel cannot take up the.