Senior Member
I was looking at the spring pack and it only has 4 leafs, so I guess it is a 3000lb spring? I am in contact with Dexter getting info about the axle and springs. I don’t see any grease zerks under the trim caps.I guess that is a prelubed bearings? also have a 6 lug wheel. To me it looks like they replaced the
axle/ brakes as a complete assembly onto the old springs and then sold it shortly afterwards.
Thanks for the replies
To see what is going on with the axle, remove the tire, there should be a steel cap with a rubber plug in it and under the rubber plug should be a grease fitting. If you decide to grease the bearings with the zerk fitting make sure that you spin the wheel while adding grease so that you don't blow out the rear seal. Just pump your grease gun and rotate the wheel and continue. I fill my hub with grease until it starts to come out from the outer bearing and then I stop. Next time you grease, it shouldn't take much grease, but the first time you fill the hub it will take quite a bit. Before you add grease make sure the bearings are snug. You shouldn't have any more than about 1/16 inch of play with drum brakes and zero play with disc brakes. In order to adjust the bearings the steel cap has to come off to access the adjuster nut. 4 leaf springs could be either 2600 or 3000, look at the sticker on the front of your trailer and it should give you axle capacities as manufactured, more than likely your springs are oem.
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