New 323bhs electric water heater not working



It seems that we may have little gremlin when it comes to electric water heater. I'm pretty certain that first night it worked well. Then after traveling a few hundred miles and we settled in Shoshone, Calif. we didn't have hot water and I used the gas to heat it. We went out all day yesterday so I tried the electric again and we had somewhat decent hot water when we got home. However I'm not sure if this was leftover from using the gas the night before (which I doubt). This morning we had to turn gas on again.

We have checked breakers and today I will dig a little deeper but does anyone have any other ideas for checking for problems?
I'm a little confused by your description. You said it worked the first night, I'm assuming when you were plugged in to shore power, then there was no hot water when you arrived you didn't have any hot water. With no intent to insult you but you are aware that the electric WH does not work on 12v? So, when you were driving you would have had to have it on gas or it would likely cool down. I do not travel with my hot water heater on. I find the electric in ours actually works pretty quickly but if we need hot water soon after we arrive I always turn on gas for a short while to get it hot then switch to electric. Also, you have a couple kids right? If they're anything like ours was, you will probably never keep up with just electric :)
Yes, sorry should have made myself little more clear. After the first night I thought I had electric switch on, the wife says she is sure we had gas switch on. It seems ( I hate to admit) im wrong and she is right!

We do wait until we're settled before starting things like that. The confusing thing is yesterday when I left electric on again. I'm not sure how efficient the tank itself is but holding a decent hot temp all day seems unlikely. Is it possible to check power to the heating strips on the tank itself?
I see. I don't know about checking the heat strips. I haven't looked in the water heater manual but I'm sure you've already thought of that. Sorry.
We had intermittent problems with our water heater when it was new. Working with our dealer over the phone, it came down to a diagnosis of "bad circuit board". Towed the rig 50 miles back to the dealer and the technician put in a new circuit board (in about 2 minutes). Then said, I want to try something . . . and put the old circuit board back in. Everything worked and has been working ever since. Seems that (like most electrical problems) it was the connectors. So, you might try unplugging and reconnecting the various easily accessible electrical connections behind the exterior access panel.

Good to know! We just realized for the fridge to run off gas the battery shut off must be turned on, I dont recall my Lance needing this but not really sure.

For rather dumb question does the battery shut off need to be on for the electric to be functional to the water heater? I typically keep it turned off when plugged into shore power. Is there something im missing here?

We will definitely call factory when able but all we have is intermittent email where we're located.
You may also want to double-check that the WH is actually plugged into a 120V outlet. On ours, you could see the connection when the center drawers in the hutch were removed.

Another question about power. We haven't been able to plug into the 50 amp since we purchased it. My understanding is the only drawback to the 30 amp plug is not being able to run a second AC which we don't have anyway.
Jthamilton - - "My understanding is the only drawback to the 30 amp plug is not being able to run a second AC which we don't have anyway." - - - not exactly true. If you're limited to 30 amps then you're going to probably find amperage management will come into your lifestyle, ie: A/C, with microwave going, coffee pot just turned on, overhead lights, TV on, and a hair dryer in the bathroom going will more than likely push the system over 30 amps. I learned how to function without everything operating on electricity at the same time in previous units. If I needed hot water in the morning while the coffee pot was going and the TV was on with someone drying their hair; then it was simple enough to switch the water heater to gas.

When you need to change the combination of what's on when, you'll know it. The main breaker will trip, you reset it, and adjust what is on/off.
Good point! I simply never thought of it that way. However we have not tripped a breaker yet. I routinely would trip something with old trailer when we run too many items. We're going out shortly and I'm going to shut everything off after taking shower so as to rid ourselves of some hot water and run only the water heater along with the fridge.
Yes, the 12V power must be on for the water heater to run on either gas or shore power. The control circuits are all 12V. Same for the fridge.

Nope, no luck. I turnd battery power switch i today while plugged I to shore power then left electric heater on and when I just got back to camper no hot water. Will send email to GD later tonight.
Sorry to hear that the water heater is still not working. When the control circuit board (upper right hand corner behind the exterior cover) is powered up and calling for either gas or electric heat, it has a high pitched hum. If it is quiet, some 12V circuit is not being completed. I would first be looking at the spade connections to the thermal cut outs, to the left of the circuit board or the multi pin connectors to the circuit board.
If you have hot water on gas but not on shore power, pull out the lower centre drawer above the water heater and see if it is plugged in (mentioned earlier).

Nope, no luck. I turnd battery power switch i today while plugged I to shore power then left electric heater on and when I just got back to camper no hot water. Will send email to GD later tonight.

Did you check the on/off switch at the outside access for the water heater? it needs to be "on". Assuming it's the same type of W/H we have. IMAG0521.jpg
@thompsons 369rl

On our Reflection 303RLS, we don't have a switch like that.
Amazing how many differences there are in systems that should be common !
Great, the way folks jump in with ideas for solving problems, on this forum.

@thompsons 369rl

On our Reflection 303RLS, we don't have a switch like that.
Amazing how many differences there are in systems that should be common !
Great, the way folks jump in with ideas for solving problems, on this forum.


Oh well..........It was worth a shot. I hope somewhere along the line, someone didn't leave the water heater on when it was empty. That'll burn up the heating element in a heartbeat.
Well problem solved! It was not plugged in to the back of tank. This was not accessible as it apparently is on other models.
Sadly it's at a semi local dealer 3 hours away. Fortunately it was never hooked up by dealer I purchased it from. I do wish I had it as we would camp this weekend. Kids enjoy it as much as I do!

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