New 375RES in texas


New Member
Feb 19, 2021
We are taking delivery of a 375RES here in Texas next week. Pulling it w an F350. Mostly will stay on some land we have but prob a few trips every year. We have had several bumper pull trailers and a 36 foot boat, first fifth wheel. Looking forward to it.
Plan to retire in a few years and get out more.
Thanks for allowing us to be a part of the forum and look forward to learning.
Welcome. You will enjoy that 375RES. We live in ours (in SoCal) 5 months of the year. Really enjoy it.
Welcome aboard! Now you can create a signature block with your RV and tow vehicle information (see mine below). That way you won't have to repeat that information whenever you post or ask a question. You can create a signature by going to:

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Happy camping!

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