We recently purchased a used 2018 Imagine 2950RL travel trailer from a private party here in Lower Alabama. I hired a certified inspector to go through it before we bought it, and it was money well spent! The unit was in very good condition and only required some basic maintenance to get it ready to go, so I felt good about the purchase. We took it to a local RV campground for a little shakedown cruise and all systems worked well. We're now getting ready to head up to Western New York in July to visit kids and grandkids. The only issue I've run into is with my two vehicle and WD hitch. The shank I got with the Fastway E2 hitch from the previous owner just couldn't be adjusted so that the ball was at the correct height. So, I've switched it with the shank from my Husky Centerline hitch and that seems much better. I have to adjust it yet for my truck, but I'm confident it will work. I look forward to learning from the experienced GD owners.