New Owners

Pam/Steve Carson

New Member
Feb 22, 2021
Boise, Idaho
Hello Everyone,
My name is Steve and my wife is Pam. We just purchased a 2021 Reflection 303RLS and are ready to travel. Both of us are retired so we will have plenty of time. Looking forward to meeting the folks on this forum.
I am sure I will have plenty of questions as we go forward, please be patient with us. Our last RV was a Kit Road Ranger, so glad to be rid of that thing. This one is so much nicer, we finished the paperwork and get to pick it up tomorrow.
We live in Boise Idaho so, the weather hasn't been great for getting out.

Steve & Pam Carson

Welcome to the Grand Design Family, my DW I have been RV ing for about 5 yrs. now, absolutely love the RV life and retirement, you will find many opportunities to ask questions, and get opinions on this forum.

Welcome from North Louisiana
Even Boise with thaw out... eventually.:)

Welcome to the family! Now you can create a signature block with your RV and tow vehicle information (see mine below). That way you won't have to repeat that information whenever you post or ask a question. You can create a signature by going to:

Forum Actions (on menu bar) -> Edit Profile -> Edit Signature (under My Settings on the left)

Happy camping!

Welcome to the 303 family. This is a great forum for general knowledge. Consider becoming a site sponsor at $12.00 per year. It will pay for itself in no time. We are going on our 4th year in our 2018 303 (build date 9/2017). My recommendation would be to read and re-read every manual. Learn your unit and don't be afraid to take on the small minor repairs yourself. Preventative maintenance is key to maintaining these units. Things will break, malfunction and operator error will at some point reveal itself. Enjoy your 303 and the journey.
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