We are new to RVing, and bought a 2024 Transcend Xplor 321BH in April--so it's still very newish. I have been up on the roof a few times and never noticed anything odd until today. I noticed a sharp, pointed object pointed upward, under the roof membrane. I assume it is a screw, but not sure.
I contacted the dealer but am anticipating a response denying warranty service until it penetrates the membrane. I don't want to wait that long for obvious reasons, and I don't want to puncture it myself and say "see, it's penetrating now!"
I am not opposed to fixing it myself to save the gas money and time of bringing it into the dealer which is 20 miles away.
So, what is the best way to handle this? It will poke through eventually, I am almost positive. Should I try to manipulate it and make it lay flat? Make a small cut, remove it, and patch it with a few dabs of dicor lap sealant? A larger dicor or eternabond patch with dicor on the edges? I am worried if I don't cut it and remove it, that it will poke through any patch I put over it because it is that sharp.
I welcome all ideas. Thank you.
We are new to RVing, and bought a 2024 Transcend Xplor 321BH in April--so it's still very newish. I have been up on the roof a few times and never noticed anything odd until today. I noticed a sharp, pointed object pointed upward, under the roof membrane. I assume it is a screw, but not sure.
I contacted the dealer but am anticipating a response denying warranty service until it penetrates the membrane. I don't want to wait that long for obvious reasons, and I don't want to puncture it myself and say "see, it's penetrating now!"
I am not opposed to fixing it myself to save the gas money and time of bringing it into the dealer which is 20 miles away.
So, what is the best way to handle this? It will poke through eventually, I am almost positive. Should I try to manipulate it and make it lay flat? Make a small cut, remove it, and patch it with a few dabs of dicor lap sealant? A larger dicor or eternabond patch with dicor on the edges? I am worried if I don't cut it and remove it, that it will poke through any patch I put over it because it is that sharp.
I welcome all ideas. Thank you.